Sports Medical Services
Our belief is that everyone can benefit from an elite athlete’s injury diagnosis and management. Whether it is for quick a recovery, accurate diagnosis, or further injury and symptom prevention Dr Eva Carneiro can help you. We have state of the art technology, all we need is your motivation.
The Sports Medical Group provides a bespoke elite Sports Medical and Musculoskeletal service

Injury Assessment and Diagnosis
Correct diagnosis is the foundation of any treatment. Injuries will only respond to the right therapies. Whether it is an acute or a chronic problem the accuracy of your initial assessment will determine the effectiveness of your treatment. We have access to the innovative treatments that help restore athletes to their full potential. We will guide you through the process of recovery.

Ongoing Monitoring and Rehabilitation Progression
We manage this service within our team so there is always someone available to answer your questions.

We provide a range of interventions including;
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) – blood plasma enriched with platelets as a concentrated source of autologous platelets. PRP contains several different growth factors and other cytokines that can stimulate healing of soft tissue.
Intra-articular joint injections/aspirations – Please enquire as this is a specialist procedure
Diagnostic local anaesthetic blocks – Please enquire as this is a specialist procedure